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Any visitor to this site may submit records for inclusion in the database, and the information below explains the submission process in detail, along with the various approval criteria that apply. Please read this page carefully and completely before submitting an entry.

We accept submissions from scholarly or non-scholarly sources equally, as long as their contents fall within the purview of the database. Given this, and if you are considering making a submission, the following points stipulate the bibliography's ambit, of which you should be aware before posting an entry.

Submissions are free from the following restrictions:

Type: submissions may refer to works of any type, including dissertations, theses, books, articles, working papers, conference papers, proceedings, dictionaries, catalogues, handbooks and bibliographies.

Status: submissions may refer to published or unpublished works.

Date: apart from on-going works, submissions may refer to works possessing any publication date.

Nationality and language: submissions that refer to works from any geographical point of origin, and which are in any language are accepted.

Physical medium: entries may refer to works irrespective of the medium in which that work is/was available.

These latitudes aside, we also consider entries that concern the Turkish language, as long as the work in question contains Ottoman-period text. However, we reject submissions relating solely to linguistic research in such texts.


To submit a record, go to the Database page and click the 'Add Record' button. The record-entry form will appear, along with controls for entry-submission and cancellation etc.

As with the search form, navigating to a given field causes a help-message to appear underneath the form-controls. This describes the data types and formats that the field accepts, and whether or not a value for that field is mandatory (see below). Similarly, moving your mouse-cursor over a given field causes the help text for that field to appear.

When you have filled all mandatory fields and any optional fields that apply, click on the 'Submit' button (which remains disabled until all mandatory fields have received valid data). Assuming that the title of your record does not conflict with an existing record in the database, the system will record the entry in the database, and will inform you accordingly.

Note that record submission requires that you provide an email address at which you can receive messages privately from the administrator. Failure to provide a reachable address will cause the record to remain unpublished, and failure to provide a private address may mean that someone else gains the update- and deletion-request privileges pertaining to that record. Please take care in regard of these points.

Note also that submitting an entry through the English version of the site will cause us to correspond with you in English. Similarly, submitting a record through the Turkish version of the site will cause us to correspond with you in Turkish. Please see below for more information on email correspondence.


User submissions become available publicly only after the administrator has verified their source and has approved their contents. Given this, and as part of the approval process, we will send an email automatically upon submission of your record, asking you to confirm that you (rather than someone posing as you) posted the entry.

This confirmation request will also carry a string of characters that constitute a 'key' to the record, and which identify it uniquely. The administrator and you alone should possess this key, so please make a note of it, and keep that note private in a safe place. Note that, should you lose the record key, you will lose the ability to request updates to, or deletion of, the record and/or any associated document-file.

Upon receipt of the confirmation request, you should respond directly to its source address as soon as possible, confirming or denying that you submitted the entry. In your response, you must also cite the title of the record, along with its key, as failure to send this information will cause the record to remain unpublished.

Note that, should you wish to associate a document with the record, you should attach the relevant file to your confirmation response. If you forget to do this, just re-send your message with the file attached (citing again the record's title and key, along with the email address you provided at the time of submission).


Upon receipt of your confirmation, the administrator will screen your submission, and will make the record available publicly if it satisfies the various criteria that apply. Submissions that fail this stage remain unpublished.

Following dispatch of your confirmation message, please allow three weeks for the approval process to run to completion. Note that, assuming approval, you should not expect confirmation of acceptance from the administrator. Instead, your record will become available publicly without further ado.

Similarly, you will receive no notification should your submission fail in some way. If you think that acceptance of your submission has failed due to technical hitches, or that we have been unfair in applying our approval criteria, you should initiate a dialogue with the administrator via the form on the Contact page.

As with all such communications, please supply the precise title of the submission in question, along with its key (if you received one) and the email address that you provided when you posted the entry originally.

If, for whatever reason, you do not receive the confirmation-request, please contact the administrator via the Contact page. Similarly, you should contact the administrator if you submit an apparently-valid entry, and respond positively to the confirmation-request, yet find in time that the record fails to appear publicly.

In both cases, you must cite the precise title of the record, along with the email address you supplied at the time that you made your submission. In the latter case, you must provide also the record-key that we sent to you.